Develop and Retain Talent Through Strategically Designed Onboarding, Everboarding, and Team Focused Training Solutions Customized for Your Business Needs.

In today’s workforce landscape, the ability to attract, develop and retain talent in your organization is critically important. Working alongside your executive team and human resources staff, I help create onboarding methods and talent training plans including leadership development that can create teams focused on your organization’s goals. Additionally, I can help provide team building programs that improve overall communications and motivate your staff to do their best work. Select one of these services or bundle them together to optimize your total staff development processes.  


  • Deliver a customized engaging onboarding for new team members- providing quality content that is consistent and clear, creating immediate connection, assessing understanding, and ensuring team members have everything they need to start off on the right foot!
  • Further develop onboarding and increase staff retention by developing a 30-60-90 extension of Onboarding with further connection, assessment and coaching.
  • Prepare new hires to ‘hit the ground running’ faster with better performance.


  • Develop an ongoing development plan for the full team, providing hard and soft skill learning opportunities that directly impact business productivity.
  • Map internal career paths for current team members to retain your top performers.
  • Provide ‘Train the Trainer’ and 1:1 support with team SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and Team Leads to maximize training materials and delivery.

Team Building

  • Maximize communication and teamwork by investing time in activities that highlight what is working well and identifies opportunities for improvement.
  • Strategically engage in team building activities designed to address specific workplace group dynamics and/or needs.

Leadership Development

  • Provide 1:1 or group coaching and/or development sessions for new managers, rising stars and leadership.
  • Design a comprehensive leadership program to include focused internal and external training opportunities.